I have decided to become a beekeeper because there is a critical shortage of
honeybees for pollination. Also, I like honey, but I probably won't get any
honey until the second year. With a new hive, it is important to leave all the
honey for the bees so they have enough food to make it through their first cold
Cincinnati winter.

3/14/08 - Nailing and gluing frames together

3/29/08 - I am in a class at Bee School

3/29/08 - I am wearing my newly purchased bee hat

4/15/08 - I put the hive outdoors for the first time

4/22/08 - Bees are just starting to leave the hive

4/22/08 - Smoking the hive before opening it

4/22/08 - Removed top from hive for first time

4/22/08 - Close-up of bees on frames

5/01/08 - Open hive to check on bees - notice how many more there are now

5/01/08 - View of top of frames under cover

5/01/08 - Inspecting the frames for brood

5/01/08 - Added second medium brood chamber

5/11/08 - Installed entrance reducer with larger opening

5/13/08 - Many bees found dead after two very rainy days

5/24/08 - Bees started building comb on top of frames where they are not
supposed to build it.

5/30/08 - Very little activity in second brood chamber

5/30/08 - Bees have just started to draw some comb on the frames in the second
brood chamber

5/30/08 - Looking down in the first brood chamber. Notice the unusual tall
capped brood.

6/13/08 - Installed third medium brood chamber

6/17/08 - Poor brood pattern. Realized the old queen is laying infertile eggs.
Ordered and installed new queen two days later.

7/08/08 - There has been a good brood pattern inside and many young bees on the
outside cooling off.

7/08/08 - I added the hive top feeder with new vent holes so the hive can draw
comb and rebuild faster.

7/11/08 - This frame is full of lavrae of various sizes and a few have been
capped already. Notice the honey stored for them around the edges.

7/11/08 - The new queen has laid a very good pattern of brood. The uncapped
cells have larvae in them.

7/29/08 - This frame is full of capped brood which will hatch into worder bees
in a couple of weeks.

7/29/08 - The bees have stored a lot of honey and have capped this entire
frame. It was a moist spring and summer, so the bees were able to store much

8/25/08 - I am inspecting the bottom tray for signs of mites. I did not have
much of a problem with them this summer.

10/08/08 - Fellow beekeeper, Joe Spicer, and I are setting up the honey
extractor to remove honey from two frames. I got more than one-half gallon of
honey from just the two frames.

11/6/08 - This is my final check of the inside of the hive. It is very full of
bees. I removed the hive top feeder and left just one super over the th two
brood chambers.

12/19/08 - It was a 60-degree day and the bees came out to fly for the first
time in a month. Notice how I have insulated the hive with reflective bubble
wrap and built a second foil-covered foam insulation top over the outer cover.
Also, the large black rocks should absorb heat from the winter sun.

2/11/09 - It is a warm day (50 degrees) in February and the bees were flying. I
put out some frames which they had filled with syrup and Honey-B-Healthy in the

2/11/09 - The bees are eating Feed Bee pollen substitute on top of the frames
in the third medium brood chamber.

2/18/09 - It was another warm day and the bees had flown about 150 feet to my
second-floor deck. They started eating inside the bird feeder and from the
floor of the deck. I think they were going after the cracked corn.

2/18/09 - I put Feed Bee powder on a coffee can lid at the entrance to the
hive. I also slipped one inside the entrance. Both were empty within an hour or

3/7/09 - It was a warm day and I opened the hive. I found capped brood and
larvae in the lower brood chamber and the hive was full of bees. Notice the
amount of bees on top of the third brood chamber.

3/13/09 - I place my new hive woodware outside to outgas from the paint. Notice
my design with handles.

3/13/09 - See the proximity of the new hive to the old one. The bees from the
old hive have already started to investigate the new one.