Choose among general product categories

Sources of Mouldings and Woodwork

Columns | Cornices | Door Surrounds | Gingerbread | Louvers | Mantels
Mouldings - Flexible | Mouldings - Plastic | Mouldings - Wood | Wainscoting


AB Cushing Mills 403-279-8800

AJ Stairs 800-425-7824

Afco Industries 800-253-4644

Builders Edge 800-969-7245

Chadsworth Columns 800-265-8667

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Colonial Elegance 800-361-2030

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

Delaware Industries 800-450-6244

Dixie-Pacific 800-468-5993

DuPont Co. 800-426-7426

Flex Trim Industries 800-356-9060

Fypon 800-537-5349

Georgia-Pacific 800-284-5347

HA Stiles Co. 800-447-8537

HB&G 800-264-4424

JELD-WEN 206-259-9292

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

Leslie-Locke 800-755-9392

Marell Industries, Inc. 800-864-4510

Melton Classics 800-963-3060

Millworks 800-933-3930

Moultrie Manufacturing 800-841-8674

Superior Aluminum Products 513-526-4065

Worthington Group 800-872-1608


AB Cushing Mills 403-279-8800

Anthony Forest Products 800-221-2326

Blumer & Stanton 800-330-2526

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

DuPont Co. 800-426-7426

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

Custom Decorative Mouldings 800-543-0553

Flex Trim Industries 800-356-9060

Fypon 800-537-5349

Gossen Corp. 800-558-8984

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

Natural Skylights Inc. 800-222-1502

New-Tech 800-866-5346

Ornamental Mouldings 800-779-1135

Stanton 800-330-2526

Sunset Moulding Co. 800-824-5888

Vermont Timber Frames 802-447-8860

White River Hardwoods 800-558-0119

Door Surrounds

Blumer & Stanton 800-330-2526

Builders Edge 800-969-7245

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Custom Decorative Mouldings 800-543-0553

Escon Corp. 800-368-7850

Foster Mantels 800-285-8551

Fypon 800-537-5349

HB&G 800-264-4424

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

Morgan Products 800-766-1992

Ornamental Mouldings 800-779-1135

Premdor Corp. 800-995-2123

PrimeWood 800-642-8780

Sioux Veneer Panel Co. 800-786-8357

Smith Millwork 800-222-8498

Stanton 800-330-2526

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

White River Hardwoods 800-558-0119

WoodMaster Designs 800-285-8551


Artistic Woodworking 800-621-3992

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Custom Decorative Mouldings 800-543-0553

DuPont Co. 800-426-7426

Fypon 800-537-5349

Millworks 800-933-3930

RAS Industries 800-367-1076

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

White River Hardwoods 800-558-0119


Blumer & Stanton 800-330-2526

Builders Edge 800-969-7245

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Colonial Elegance 800-361-2030

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

Custom Decorative Mouldings 800-543-0553

Delaware Industries 800-450-6244

Entol Industries 800-368-6555

Fypon 800-537-5349

Leslie-Locke 800-755-9392

Mid-America Bldg. Prod. 800-521-8486

New Concept Louvers 800-635-6448

Oregon Lumber Co. 800-824-5671

Pinecrest 800-443-5357

RAS Industries 800-367-1076

Silver TECO 800-227-0470

Stanton 800-330-2526

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

Vixon Hill Mfg. 800-423-2766


AJ Stairs 800-425-7824

Anthony Forest Products 800-221-2326

Blumer & Stanton 800-330-2526

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Colonial Elegance 800-361-2030

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

Delaware Industries 800-450-6244

Executive Woodsmiths 800-951-9090

Foster Mantels 800-285-8551

Fypon 800-537-5349

Georgia-Pacific 800-284-5347

Goodwin Heart Pine 800-336-3118

HB&G 800-264-4424

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

Millworks 800-933-3930

Morgan Products 800-766-1992

Ornamental Mouldings 800-779-1135

Pinecrest 800-443-5357

Readybuilt Products 800-626-2901

Staircase 800-255-5062

Stanton 800-330-2526

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

Texas Kiln Products 800-825-9158

Wisconsin Log Homes 800-678-9107

WoodMaster Designs 800-285-8551

Worthington Group 800-872-1608

Mouldings - Flexible

AJ Stairs 800-425-7824

Afco Industries 800-253-4644

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Delaware Industries 800-450-6244

Flex Trim Industries 800-356-9060

Fypon 800-537-5349

Gossen Corp. 800-558-8984

Millworks 800-933-3930

Ornamental Mouldings 800-779-1135

ResinArt Corp 800-258-8820

Ultra-Flex Moulding Co. 800-344-5293

White River Hardwoods 800-558-0119

Mouldings - Plastic

ABT Building Products 800-521-4250

AJ Stairs 800-425-7824

Afco Industries 800-253-4644

Builders Edge 800-969-7245

CertainTeed Corp. 800-233-8990

Chemcrest Corp. 800-665-6653

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Custom Decorative Mouldings 800-543-0553

DuPont Co. 800-426-7426

Entol Industries 800-368-6555

Flex Trim Industries 800-356-9060

Fypon 800-537-5349

Gossen Corp. 800-558-8984

HB&G 800-264-4424

Inova 800-544-6682

Myro 800-222-6976

Premdor Corp. 800-995-2123

RAS Industries 800-367-1076

Schluter Systems 800-361-3127

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

Mouldings - Wood

AB Cushing Mills 403-279-8800

AJ Stairs 800-425-7824

Afco Industries 800-253-4644

Aged Woods 800-233-9307

Artistic Woodworking 800-621-3992

Bendix Mouldings 800-526-0240

BiWood Flooring 800-677-9663

Blumer & Stanton 800-330-2526

Bruce Hardwood Floors 800-722-4647

Classic Architectural Specialties 800-662-1221

Colonial Craft 800-727-5187

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

Escon Corp. 800-368-7850

Executive Woodsmiths 800-951-9090

Foster Mantels 800-285-8551

Georgia-Pacific 800-284-5347

Goodwin Heart Pine Co. 800-336-3118

Gossen Corp. 800-558-8984

Hardwoods Millworking 814-395-5474

Heartland Appliances 800-361-1517

Int'l. Paper Co. 800-223-1268

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

KraftMaid Cabinetry 216-632-5333

Millworks 800-933-3930

Mouldings & Millwork 800-824-5878

Ornamental Mouldings 800-779-1135

Premdor Corp. 800-995-2123

PrimeWood 800-642-8780

Sioux Veneer Panel Co. 800-786-8357

Stanton 800-330-2526

White River Hardwoods 800-558-0119

WoodMaster Designs 800-285-8551


Aged Woods 800-233-9307

Builders Edge 800-969-7245

Colonial Craft 800-727-5187

Cumberland Woodcraft 800-367-1884

Curvoflite 617-889-0007

DuPont Co. 800-426-7426

Executive Woodsmiths 800-951-9090

Foster Mantels 800-285-8551

Georgia-Pacific 800-284-5347

Goodwin Heart Pine 800-336-3118

Hardwoods Millworking 814-395-5474

Kentucky Millwork 800-235-5235

Mid-America Bldg. Prods. 800-521-8486

Millworks 800-933-3930

PrimeWood 800-642-8780

Sioux Veneer Panel Co. 800-786-8357

Style-Mark 800-446-3040

Sunset Moulding Co. 800-824-5888

WoodMaster Designs 800-285-8551

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