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Plant Selector Guide
Acanthus mollis (Bear's Breech)

Main Perrenial Plant Selector List | Plant Word Search

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Plant Type: Perennial
Uses:Groundcover, Borders, Cutting Beds
Propagation: Division, Seeds
Habit: Upright
Light: Full Sun, Part Shade
Flower Color: Lavender
Blooms: Spring, Summer
Width: 3 ft.
Height: 2 - 4 ft.
Fertility: Average
Soil: Neutral, Moist, High, Medium
Zone: 8 - 10

Tender Perennial. Large, glossy green leaves are highly ornamental and create a tropical appearance. The snapdragon-like flowers are pale lavender and borne on long, slender flower spires. This plant prefers a cool, moist soil but will tolerate sunny and dry conditions also, making it a popular choice for coastal gardens. The variety 'Latifolius' has larger leaves and is hardier. Effective companion plantings include bamboo and large-leafed ferns. It makes a good focal plant with its architectural qualities. You will need to bait for slugs and snails. Remember to plant where this rampant grower can be confined. Roots travel underground, making it difficult to eradicate. Sow seeds directly into your garden bed as this perennial does not like to be transplanted.