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Plant Selector Guide
Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus, East-Indian Lotus, Egyptian Lotus)

Main Perennial Plant Selector List | Plant Word Search

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Plant Type: Perennial
Uses: Aquatic, Fragrance
Propagation: Division, Seeds
Habit: Floating
Light: Full Sun
Flower Color: Various
Blooms: Summer
Fertility: Rich
Soil: Neutral, Aquatic, Low
Zone: 9 -11

Hardy Perennial. These floating water plants have been admired through the centuries for their long-lasting, hypnotic beauty and powerful fragrance. Bloom colors are varied and include shades of pink, white, yellow and other pastels. Their flowers emerge in summer and the bloom period will last for up to eight weeks. Blooms open in the early part of the day and are closed by the afternoon. The seed pods of the Sacred Lotus are highly sought after for use in dried arrangements. When sowing seeds nick or file the hard, outer coating and place inside a ball of rich mud. Carefully immerse this ball into a tub of water. Alternately, sow singly in pots and submerge the pots in shallow water.