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Plant Selector Guide
Romneya coulteri (California Tree Poppy, Matilija Poppy)

Main Perennial Plant Selector List | Plant Word Search

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Plant Type: Perennial
Uses: Fragrance, Border, Hedge
Propagation: Seeds, Root Cuttings
Habit: Upright
Light: Full Sun
Flower Color: White
Blooms: Spring, Summer
Width: 3 - 4 ft.
Height: 3 - 8 ft.
Fertility: Moderately Rich
Soil: Well-Drained
Zone: 7 -11

Hardy Perennial. This giant perennial can be very invasive so you must plan and plant with care before committing your garden to such a robust and large plant. The stunning flowers are large and fragrant and shown against a background of blue-green foliage. Especially for the back of the border, producing crinkled, fragrant blooms. Leathery, silver-grey foliage. The California Tree Poppy does not like to be disturbed or transplanted once it is established. Prune back to about 6 inches in the autumn and cover with mulch. Seeds need to be scarified and are slow to germinate. Your best bet for propagation is by root cuttings taken in the autumn.