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Dulley's Money-Saving Tip #1074

Maintain your ceiling paddle fan

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It is the time of the year to begin using your ceiling paddle fan to help cool your house. These fans do not need a lot of maintenance, but there are a few things that you should do to it. Most important, make sure that you switch the rotation switch back to the summer direction. Although the actual rotation direction depends on the tilt of the blades, in the summer, it should rotate so that the air blows downward. In the winter, it should rotate so that the air blows up toward the ceiling.

Get up and a step ladder and have someone hold on to you for support. Wash off the top of the blades. A layer of dust will accumulate over winter. This layer causes drag and will reduce the air flow rate. Tighten the screws, usually three, that hold each blade to the brackets. These will slowly loosen. This can sometimes cause an annoying clicking noise and if really loose, can cause a vibration and wobble.